Personal Statement

My name is Lukasz Warzecha and I’m very ambitious, passionate and experienced backend software developer. I’m specialized in distributed, highly scalable, available and performant web-applications. Personally big fan of everything JVM related, Linux, functional and reactive programming. Loves clean, efficient and highly maintainable code, believes that code reviews and testing greatly improves quality of the software. Experienced with Agile Methodologies and XP programming. Loves criticism and treats it as opportunity to learn and develop further. In order to keep his knowledge up to date - regularly attending conferences and reading technical books.

Experience / BookingGo - Ground Transport division
March 2017 - Current, Manchester
Senior Software Engineer
October 2015 - February 2017, Krakow
Software Engineer

Feb 2014 - January 2016, Krakow
Software Engineer

Pirios S.A.
Feb 2013 - December 2013, Krakow
Service and implementantion engineer

Conferences attented

  • June 2018 JManc

  • June 2018 Devoxx Krakow

  • May 2017 Geecon Krakow

  • Dec 2016 Code Europe

  • June 2016 Devoxx Poland

  • May 2015 Geecon Krakow